Sunday, January 06, 2008

As seen in California (where else?)

I really wanted to throw a rock through this tool's window, but it was all I could do to get the camera zoomed in time. This was in Livermore, California, during the Xmess break. Gas prices were easily in the $3.50 range. It amazes me that people are so blatant in their love for driving big cars & trucks. It's the god damn Amerikkkan way, innit? This house of cards is going to collapse soon. And we will all feel the sting.


Anonymous said...

They released the latest Hummer here in Australia only last year, in fact they even released it on world environment day - the morning after we had "Earth Hour".
I get the feeling that the motorist here feels threatened, the City of Sydney is looking at adopting a plan by Jan Gehl to make the city more bike and pedestrian friendly. The Sydney Morning Herald jumped on the band wagon and now the Daily Telegraph known to many as the terror is campaigning against it. Their cars guide editor has a blog and I have been at war with him over his claims that motorists are over taked over policed etc. As you can see here
he is becoming more emotional and irrational. Stiring him up is like stiring the sensative kid at school (I should know because I used to be one). The Terror is using the threat of more Jay Walkers to fight the plan. Shame about not having the time or the rock to put through the windo of the cage though

Michael Lemberger said...

Must be neighbors with this asshole.

The Minister said...

Ah yes, I recently had a few lovely words for such vehicles...